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Still Time to Catch the Blossom 「まだ、お花見に間に合う」

3/18(土)付けのフィナンシャル・タイムズ紙に掲載されましたコラム「FAST LANE」、
“Tokyo with the dimmer switch on”「照明を落とした東京」をブログにてご紹介させていただきました。


そして先日、当社PCに届いたメールにて、4/15(金)付けの“Still Time to Catch the Blossom”(まだ、お花見に間に合う)を皆様にもご一読いただきたく思いUPさせていただきました。







 日本を脱出した外国人が「フライジン」と呼ばれているようだが、少しでもポジティブに過ごすため、放射能をネタにしたジョークも頻繁に聞かれるようになった。例えば、 贈答用の巨大フルーツの栽培には放射線が効くとか、 美肌にこだわる日本だから、福島の泥を使った泥パックを商品化する人が出るに違いない、とか。

 今回、自分も差し迫った仕事があるから日本を訪問しているのだが、前回、地震直後に訪問したときから、仕事以外のこともしようと心に決めていた。 好きなホテルに泊まり、夏物のショッピングをしたり、週末は好きな旅館で過ごしたり。ここ数日はそれをちゃんと実行している。もちろん、オーストラリア大使館でメディアのあり方や「ブランド•ジャパン」についてのパネルディスカッションに参加したり、東京駐在のイギリス大使とミーティングをしたりもしている。






2011年4月15日 フィナンシャルタイムズ掲載
日本語訳 山下めぐみ


Still time to catch the blossom

By Tyler Brûlé

Published: April 15 2011 22:10 | Last updated: April 15 2011 22:10

“Should I go to Japan? Is it safe? Should I wait till next month? Next summer? Next year?” These have been the most frequently asked questions to hit my inbox over the past few weeks. From newlyweds in California who’d booked their honeymoon to Nagano months ago to regular springtime visitors who like to spend afternoons wandering under the sakura, or cherry blossom, in Kyoto to seasoned diplomats who you’d reckon might be better informed, there’s been a steady flow of correspondence from readers concerned about food supplies, the state of infrastructure, the glaring issue of radiation and the general mood on the street.

I landed in Tokyo last Friday, exactly four weeks after what’s now been dubbed the Great East Japan Earthquake struck, and I’m happy to report the mood on the street is much improved compared with my visit a month earlier – the lights are a little bit brighter, the queues at Tokyo petrol stations are gone, shopping hours are back to normal and some favourite dining and drinking haunts are busy – though sadly many remain closed because of supply issues and less passing trade.

While NHK’s flagship news bulletins are still largely devoted to reporting on recovery efforts, Fukushima and the task ahead for the Reconstruction Design Council, the insecurity about radiation levels has also lifted and been catalogued as just another daily risk like crossing the street, skiing without a helmet, eating oysters or posting too many personal details about yourself on Facebook.

Just as many westerners who fled Japan have now been dubbed “Flyjin” (a play on the Japanese term gaijin for foreigner), radiation humour has become a constant in many conversations as locals try to see the positives from the crisis. A colleague suggested that all that radiation might be a competitive advantage to help Japanese farmers grow bigger show fruit for the gift market, and in a country obsessed with skincare there’ll no doubt be someone who’ll turn Fukushima soil into face-packs and body wraps.

It was essential to visit Japan for pressing business assignments, but at the same time I had decided during my last visit that I’d come back as swiftly as possible to do some summer shopping, spend a weekend at a favourite ryokan, check into some favourite hotels and visit clients. It’s exactly what I’ve been up to for the past couple of days – along with sitting on a panel to discuss media issues and the future for Brand Japan at the Australian embassy and meeting our ambassador to Tokyo.

Though it’s difficult to identify any positives from the events of the past month, the renewed emphasis and urgency about rethinking Brand Japan is something of a plus. While most international news organisations have called into question Japan’s poor PR skills and general mishandling of its messages, the Japanese have been outraged at the irresponsible and inaccurate reporting of events, facts and the overall state of the nation.

As late as last week British and US television channels would have had most of us believing that the Japanese weren’t out enjoying the cherry blossoms but it only took a quick spin in a cab in Kagoshima and later Tokyo to see parks and boulevards packed with families enjoying the delicate fluttering petals.

For sure, there’s an absence of foreigners on the streets of Tokyo but that doesn’t mean there’s an absence of life or vibrancy. The Chinese might have been scared off from shopping in Ginza, because of misplaced fears of contamination; the French are still in hiding, and there aren’t the usual packs of Korean boys shopping in Harajuku. But the shops of Marunouchi and Aoyama were bustling with Japanese shoppers last weekend and they weren’t just browsing.

Prime minister Naoto Kan called on the nation to get back to normal earlier in the week but he missed a crucial opportunity to rally the rest of the world to reset its view of Japan and also take a first step to establishing a new pillar for the Nippon national brand.

While encouraging his fellow countrymen to get out and spend, he might have also thanked the world for their generous support and donations but encouraged close allies and neighbours not just to send money but to board aircraft, book hotels, plan meetings and visit the country.

The fastest track to rehabilitating Japan is to get the world to sample what I believe is the best food, drink, service, hospitality, infrastructure, retail and scenery anywhere. The Tohoku region has a tough path ahead but the taxi drivers in Osaka are still wearing gloves and bow-ties; Isetan will open a massive new department store in that city in two weeks’ time; the chicken sashimi is a delight in southern Kyushu; they are still lining up for cappuccinos at Omotesando Koffee’s one-man stand; and if you hurry you can still catch the sakura up in Hokkaido.

Tyler Brûlé is editor-in-chief of Monocle magazine

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